Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I have a Dream......

That we can live in a world with no hatred. That everyone in this world realizes that their shit DOES stink. If we only realize that we as individual are fallible (sp) , and not perfect. That we don't always need to put our two cents worth of an opinion in and realize the answers are not that simple. We are not perfect people, we don't need to live the perfect life style, waste not want not. Its so funny that our parents told us this quip growing up and now, their living the Hollywood life style, ironic isn't it. With all this said and then done,this planet will be a better place, not for us (cause its too late) but for at least our future children and their children's , children......


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! You summed up my week there Mike! Very well said...:)