Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cells phone cause brain tumors?

So I was at Macy's today shopping for shoes. I was on my cellphone tracking down Michael who seemed to be lost in the store, as this one lady goes up to me and says "Not so close to me". I'm like, "Excuse me?". Then she goes on this rant about how cell phones cause brain cancer/tumors. And how dare I go close to her with my dangerous cell phone waves. I told her that it wasn't a proven fact that it was true. Then she goes on and on about cell phones and brain tumors. I then, tell her that I'm a nurse. And then she tells me that I should know better. Excuse me!? I should know better. Seriously. I was seriously pissed off by this for some reason. As I was walking away, I could hear her saying that nurses and neurologists are all gonna have brain cancer one day. I turn around and just give her a nasty look. To top it all off, I was just standing in one spot talking on my cell phone, and she comes closer to me, because of where the shoes were. How crazy is that!? There are some crazy people out there.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


So it's been one year ago today, since me and my peeps went to Traverse City (actually, it was Beulah) for some R&R. We rented a house by a lake (which I highly recommend), brought our own food and definitely had some drinks. Boy were those some good times. I just thought I would reminsice one of those good times that Mike happen to catch on tape. I think the video speaks for itself.

Finally a roof over our heads!!!!

After so many a conversation on hashing a hard date to do the roof, they're finally working on it!!!!!!!! So while I sit here, my head throbbing with the sounds of hammers ( not from whiskey last night), it has me thinking, re-roofing a house or any household re-model sucks! People rent, buy a condo don't buy a house too much work. Kidding its fun, never a dull moment, case in point on Sunday. We had our gas meter moved from the basement to the outside, it was free so what the hay!! So after they finished last Tuesday there was a smell, thought it was no biggie maybe jointing compound. The smell stuck around for a little bit, still thinking no big deal, until Sunday when Consumers should up. I guess our neighbors called it in and we had a faulty meter, a bad regulator thingee. So the moral of the story, if you smell it make sure you follow up on who dealt it!!!


Wednesday, August 22, 2007


From the rod,

funny thing also, he's use to being on his knees suckin on ole' Chaney's teet!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Gas Problems!

So today we had consumers energy over, moving our gas meter from our basement to the outside. Thanks to Oakland County's Laws, it's free of charget to us. Yay. Speaking of gas...we were sitting around waiting for them to finish, I hear next to me lovely sounds of farts. Thinking they were coming from Mike, I told him that he was disgusting. Then the farts just kept a trumpet. Further investigation revealed that it was Tito, our dog. Luckily it didn't smell, but all noises. It was more like extremely loud bowel sounds. Well to say the least, Mike's got some competition.


NO NOT MY 40'S!!!

I know most of the country is still feeling hard times, but do they still need to tax the little man. If this ever cames to Detroit, it will surely make it a third world nation. It just gets my goat when now my local liquor store will be forced to charge a tax on my colt 45. Isn't the 3 for $5, expensive enough?!!! While sitting here (yes is 930am, to an alcoholic, there is no time) drinking my Ice house forty, it has me thinking, whats next? A tax on the little toy machines? will now my bouncy balls and homies be more? Will they tax my fortune cookies after a nice Chinese meal? Will it ever end? Isn't the government holding us down enough!!!! Argggggggggggggg...................gulp, gulp, gulp,gulp,gulp,gulp...........

California Raises Malt Beverage Tax

Monday, August 13, 2007

Money Shot!!

This is from Konrad, really funny:

Whitest Kids U'Know-slow jerk

Battle at Kruger

Confucius says" you mess with water buffalo, you get shit beat down" check it:

Battle at Kruger

ooh after you watch this, watch it again and listen to what some of the comments of the people. Running monologues of open thoughts are so enjoyable. As a side FYI, the calf died 2 days later as a result of the infection.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Housewarming Pics!

So our housewarming was on June 30th and I do realize it's already August, but I thought I'd finally get the housewarming pics online. It's now on Flickr, because Yahoo Photos decided it wanted to close and switch to Flickr so that they could charge you more $$$. Anyways, here's the pics:


Monday, August 6, 2007

Hello Kitty

There's a new craze in Thailand, I guess its pretty fashionable to wear "Hello Kitty", but for different reasons.

Rogue cops forced to wear Hello Kitty armbands

I like how they call them "Rogue" cops!!! Littering, parking in the wrong spot and arriving late to work to me really does not constitute "Rogue", maybe being lazy or being an ass. When I think of "Rogue" its usually embezzlement, under ground drug dealing working with the mob. Seriously if that's "Rogue" to them(and/or the writer of the article) what the hell would be the term for all of the above?

Sunday, August 5, 2007

He hits 755 pokes in his arm!!!!

In tribute to Barry Bonds hitting the record tying homer, I've decided to try for a record myself. A Non preforming enhanced record of sorts. So This is what im going to do..........ok hold on this....."Hey Joyce, give me a Red bull, I have to stay up for this" Ok, i'll go as long as I can without sleep, not i'm tired.."Joyce, can you pass my the can of monster". Here goes...........I'll keep you updated on my progress!!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Flight of the Conchords...a must see!

Me and Mike started watching yet another HBO show, Flight of the Conchords. It's hiliarious. It's about these 2 folk singers from New Zealand, trying to make it in New York City. During parts of the show, they go into song. Here's a clip:
