Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The new Five

Hey Eric the new five is looking more prettier these days!!!!

Aw, my Tito baby!

So I was cleaning out all my emails yesterday since I tend to keep everything that isn't spam. And I came across the first ever picture of Tito. It wasn't even our picture, it was the one from the previous owner, the one that convinced us to get him :)

He was so young and so cute. Still is. :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Scarlett Johansson Music Video!!!!

Yes I said that correctly!!!!!! Guess its a thing to do in Hollywood, look good, act, party and make Music Videos.

God was it horrible!! "I'm falling down" with a fork in my eye!! The only thing good about this video is the 45 second music break in the middle!!! Ok I don't ask for much out of people, but Scarlett? just sit there and look pretty, am I asking for much? Your boobies are so fine, there is no need for you to do a video for attention. Her voice is like Sinead o'connor, but a little you say? manlier? Ok, maybe I was a little bitter, because I didn't win that date with you on ebay. But don't judge me for my sexy saxaphone playing on the toliet!! I have some musical stylings, and have to says its was a little rough to watch!! Don't be discourged, just after you fall down, get back up and DON'T MAKE ANOTHER SONG!!!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

30th B-day!!!!!

So it has come and past, now its all down hill from here............. CHECK IT!!!! Pics from the "why I'll never become president" gallery! We have several more 30ths coming and more Celebrations!!!! And explain the picture? It looks like im holding a light saber with a satisfactory look....mmmmmmmm what the hell did I do that night?

Sunday, April 20, 2008


So as a tribute to this wonderful day of smoking the reefer, I found a video that people ( of that stature) will think is funny. For me its a WTF moment!!!

oh I can't help but think, that after watching this video, I see them saying they're hungry for watermelon!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wedding pics are up



Me peeing in a fountain
Eric holding a purse (man card revoked!!)
Nick trying to give me a hickey, after he just got married 2 timer!
The pope visits the wedding
a little pole ridding in a church parking lot
The best part: I so got some tongue from Craig Biggio!!!!!

My Interesting Pedicure Experience

So yesterday I decided to treat myself to a pedicure at this local place I usually go to. Anyways, as I was picking out my polish color, I see next to me this "woman" next to me (who by the way resembled a tall friend of ours). Or so I thought it was a woman, haha. Then she spoke, and come to find out, it was actually a man, with a wig, and huge boobs (bigger than mine, of course). She pretty much looked like a manly woman. I almost had a chuckle. One that it resembled someone I knew, and two, I was totally not expecting that. Either way, it was pretty funny. By the end of my pedicure, I somehow had managed talking to another woman about 80 year olds with penile implants. I don't even know how that conversation had gotten started.


who's that?

Who's that sexy bitch, with his FBI glasses and porn stash?

Monday, April 14, 2008

We Miss you Kien!!!!

Hey Kien, I found you a guide while your down in the "Always bigger in the" T.

Check it!!!!

So I won't be fixin to beat you like a rented mule, but this ain't my first rodeo and hopefully your not a gnat in a hail storm!! So this my translation of the week, use the guide to figure it out. GOOD LUCK KIEN!!!!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008


New week, new language and new apprication for another culture. Italy!!!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Support the A.B.F.P.!!!!!!!

Another CAUSE to add to the list of things I support: not shopping at walmarts, WWF, hookers against drugs and puppies for war.