Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What I think....

.....when I go to these types of stores:

New Linens-N-Shit Opens

Hawaiian Luau!!

So I hope everyone had fun at the Luau on Saturday. We know Kasia did. haha. Here's a little preview of how the night started:

Eric and his coconut bra (this might ruin your chances of becoming president):

The Wilsons plus 1 (yay):

Mike and his girls:

And the Pooptrans:

Till the next party!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Rent a Hubby?

Ingenious or just plain stupid? I was driving by this house earlier this morning and happen to find a sign called "Rent a Hubby", a handyman service. I found it to be hilarious. Maybe I should rent Mikey out?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Fish tickling....

I've always had this fear as a kid that fish will nibble my feet when swimming. See its true!!!!!!!!!

Nibbling fish perform pedicures always why? who? where? when? how? did this person think of this? Garra rufa <-----a little info on the fish. This even for me....a little weird.

Blood Playstations?

So with the world becoming a load more self aware to matters all over the globe, why not now gaming systems? Just add this to the list of things I have to wonder if the parts or food were properly acquired. The next time I play "GTF" and "Niko" is having sex with a hooker, there's going to be an image of some Congolese kid in a cave harvesting the ore needed for my enjoyment.

Playstation 2 component incites African war

PS I don't own a PS2, but hopefully the Wii and DS are blood free.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Outside and dreaming....

So I'm currently outside and blogging by the garage, love wifi!! Decieded to give the garage sale a go ahead today, such a beautiul day. Some highlights from the locals:

-Got into a nice conversation with a clock repairman (yes a clock repairman! his store is next to the blacksmith, cooper and farrier!!!) He was excited to see our vote for the zoo yard signs. He was going to vote even though he doesn't own a house. Then the good ol' "Why is Kwame's name on the water tower" talk came up. Ok people, a couple of things: some of the zoo's property is still owned by the city of Detroit, hence we can't do anything with the name unless the tool is voted out of office. He decieded to tell me all about why he hates Detroit and hopes for "them" not "we" turns it around. Its shameful but its the attitude of most metro Detroiters. Anyways, he bought some stuff, Thanks dude!!!

-A funny young kid stopped by and we had a nice (atleast 20 minute) conversation on gameboys, his sister breaking her cell phone (she is grounded by the way and i'm not suppose to tell you!), a broken door knob, and a bike seat that hurts his "butt". So, he's going home to ask his mom if he can buy the gameboy advance, the cell phone for his sister and the door knob ( so he can lock himself in his room to get away from his sister)

-I put out the "Yes on zoo" yard signs and the tiger ones are going good, too good...I'm left with a load of bears and monkey/hippos ( somebody just pointed out that the Monkey/hippos ones are looking more hippoish). Ok, you'd think knowing my animals, i'd know the difference, I should refresh myself on cartoonish charater looking animals book that I have (kidding)

I have tiger tickets for sale, no ones buying (bitches!!)

The weather is good and so is life!

Monday, July 21, 2008


So everyone was doing this on myspace, so I decided to post it here:

Go to urbandictionary. com and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the first definition it gives you...

1) Your name? Joyce
A treasured possession (noun) Something you can't live without (Mike should appreciate)

like a good book that you can't put down, full of humour, wisdom, sensitivity (adjective)

Joyce similar to a malapropism (verb) try to do or say one thing and it turns out like another

A verb, meaning to lead someone on and then crush his or her heart like a heartless, souless, biatch that does pineapples and your sister.

A slang in Bulgarian used for Marihuana

to have a camel toe

a purple toenail fungus that is often used as medicine for butt warts

where u spill/slop something on urself, like food, drink, anything, it usually falls upon the breast of the person

2) One of your friends?: Kasia

a polish lasse who is wise beyond her years and has large boobs (so true)

A beautiful female who talks to strangers

Usually a really "dumb" Polish whore who sleeps around with everyone in your town. Also to be considered a homewrecker

3) What should you be doing? Sleeping

To masturbate furiously in your room while praying that your grandma doesn't come in.

4) Hometown? Detroit

A city that a bunch of people talk and complain about but without ever stepping inside the city limits or even coming within 50 miles of its border.

Contrary to popular belief, there are nice parts, but perpetuating stereotypes is better than talking about the good that resides there, huh?

Where everyone who's from Michigan says they're from when somebody asks them where they live.

Best water in the world.

5) Middle name? Elaine

Another term for foxy or sexy.

A silly Mormon girl who will do your Spanish homework for absolutely nothing. Usually of Hispanic origin

6) Car you drive/will drive? Toyota

A supremely reliable car of Japanese design. Formerly imported direct from Japan, now more commonly assembled in the USA.

Most likely any non-Honda car with over 300,000 on the odometer.

A vehicle with normally bland body styling, an underpowered engine, and weak acceleration that is easy on the wallet, and prettymuch indestructible.

A company known mostly for the Camry, that has a produced a few outstanding exceptions to itself. Namely the Celica Supra, and the Mid-Engined MR2.

7) Last person you talked to on the phone? Mike

To do something incredibly stupid. To be retarded and look like an idiot at something.

A gay prostitute who looks like a gorilla, usually found selling for a few bucks around high schools

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Dark Knight

So we just got home from seeing The Dark Knight. Let me just say, (no spoilers here), it was great! Definitely dvd worthy. It doesn't help that I LOVE Christian Bale. Dreamy, haha. It is definitely different that the other batman movies. But I think good different.

I was just checking out imdb about the movie and happen to find some interesting things about the movie. Again, no spoilers included:

Matt Damon was Christopher Nolan's first choice for the role of Harvey Dent but turned it down. Before Aaron Eckhart was cast in the part, other actors considered included Hugh Jackman, Ryan Phillippe, Liev Schreiber and Josh Lucas.

As a joke, one bat suit was made with nipples, as in Batman & Robin (1997). It was presented to Christian Bale as the real bat suit, but he knew instantly it was a joke, having seen a few design pictures during preproduction. He did pose for some publicity photos in the "nipple" suit. ( I would definitely want to find pictures of this so-callled "nipple" suit, haha)

This is the first Batman film to not have "Batman" in the title.

Robin Williams, Lachy Hulme, Paul Bettany, and Adrien Brody all expressed interest for the role of the Joker before Heath Ledger was cast. (which I think was a good choice)

Turning down a salary estimated at between $1 million and $2 million
an increase over the roughly $1 million she was believed to have earned for Batman Begins (2005) - Katie Holmes chose not to reprise her role as Rachel Dawes. This was due to what was described as 'scheduling conflicts'. (more like Tom Cruise did not allow it)

While filming on the streets of Chicago in April 2007, the filming was carried out under the fake movie title "Rory's First Kiss". Fliers regarding the filming carried this fake title, complete with a fake "RFK" logo for the movie and an address for the film's production offices. (clever)

To prepare for his role as the Joker, Heath Ledger lived alone in a hotel room for a month, formulating the character's psychology, posture and voice (the last one he found most difficult to do). He started a diary, in which he wrote the Joker's thoughts and feelings to guide himself during his performance. He was also given Alan Moore's comic "Batman: The Killing Joke" and "Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth" to read. Ledger also took inspiration from A Clockwork Orange (1971)'s Alex and Sid Vicious. (insane, but it definitely shows in the movie)

Either way, it is a must-see :)

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Now really people!!!! get over yourselves!!!!! Cities, Customers Launch
'Save Our Starbucks' Efforts
For the love of god, there more important things to bitch and moan about then your local Starbucks is closing. The one that probably muscled the local store out of business. Isn't revenge sweet, like a Double shoot mocha skim grande?!? I think Britany will be a little disappointed

Monday, July 14, 2008

El Machismo

So I've been searching all over the internet for our absolute favorite song by El Machismo. And I can't seem to find it. If anyone happens to find it, can you please post? Thanks.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Our new First Dance Song?

So Joyce and myself were watching "Monk" and the "Psych" new season premier commercial showed. The show is a little bit campy but funny otherwise, check it out.

This is the original song by Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney.

So I thought, this could be our new First Dance song. We can change it to "Brownie and Powdery"!! Hey guess what were going to play at whiskey next time!!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Water OH!!! melon!!

ahh this article was on the Detroit News website.

Scientists: Watermelon yields Viagra-like effects

See now science has proved for some reason men are attracted to watermelons. There is even modification of said watermelon into the shape of a "box". So the next time someones caught with his "junk" in the proverbial watermelon glory hole, just say its for Science!!! Of to the supermarket, guess what were having on the 4Th!!!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Here's an idea......

Hey Eric and Sue, since we all have mutts how about this? Canine Heritage Breed Test

We all wondered who our doggies "baby daddies" were, just one problem......THE Price!!! $70 bucks for 50 species and $120 for a 100. So I love my dogs dearly, but I have a hard time dropping over a C-note to see the history of bastardism in my doggies. Maybe we can call Maury to help us out. I can see the episode pan out in my head right now!! Lots of "oh no, you ain't bitch!!!" and "we only "us" styled once!! How could that of happened" Anyways, if you need a stimulus check idea, Eric here's one!

"But daddy, whos our other mommy and other daddy?"