Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The attack of Tyrone Wilson!!

Eric watch out!!!!!!

oh if you haven't figured it out, were behind on our posting....making up for lost times or our average of 10-13 posts a month.

Can't learn from a game....poppycock!!!

First off lets call this one "another show to put on TLC" Doctor says newborn octuplets appear healthy

now the main post.

Brain Age doesn't work, claim researchers

I'm no scientific data set but when I play it I feel more mentally enriched. Its also tested on a bunch of 10 year olds, 1-2 years away from "mommy/daddy whats happening to me?" Don't think kids are trying to improve their mental skills at that age. Anyways to quote Harry " I don't know Lloyd...the French are assholes!!"

Monday, January 26, 2009

TV delay......

Senate passes bill to delay digital TV switch I'm glad to see the Government working hard. We've had regular transmitted TV for like hell 75 years, whats another 4 months! I like at the end of the article.
The digital TV bill also would extend the licenses of AT&T Inc and Verizon Communications, which are waiting for the airwaves to be vacated when all TVs convert.

The companies, which paid $16 billion for the public airwaves in an auction last year, would get 116 extra days on their licenses under the proposed legislation.
This basically proves that Air is not free anymore...is it really air pollution or just companies clogging up your noses to buy their cleaner air? New movement..."I'm against urban air sprawl!!!"

MSU hockey

Ok the season is pretty much shot!!!! I don't know why the team blows this year but seriously you need to do this:

CCHA investigating stick attack in U-M/MSU game

Sorry stupid, stupid....stupid!!! There's video further down. Good clean hit, tough guy throws UM player down and the guy who gets hit goes over and cheap shot slashed his side. Come on!!! Your a college player not a NHL goon, you can't afford to do that!! I'm disappointed to in this season but hell don't go and black eye it even more!! sorry.....probably more pissed (then I need to be) because its my alma mater.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

gratuitous nip slip

I know it won't top Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction but its always funny none the less:

Skater reveals boob in wardrobe malfunction

I've looked on You tube for the video but clarity is lacking. I'd watch Ice dancing if this happened more often. I'd almost put this to the level of watching NASCAR, just hoping and waiting for a crash. But really......ice dancing? There's more twirling and tossing and jumping in regular ice skating!!!<----or just wait for Tonya harding to do a porn because there is basically nothing after ice skating....ew!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Jesus and maple syrup?

So I posted something on Yahoo answers and for shits and giggles looked at some of the questions people have asked. Ah seriously, you can really entertain yourself for like an Hour reading some of these!!!! Ok this one was funny to me, don't know why? Jesus and Maple syrup I'm so tempted to answer it "Maple syrup is from the Devil's Tree, while corn syrup is the life blood of the lord!!! Down with those hedonistic purest of all Devil's blood, called pure (or unpure) MAPLE SYRUP!!!!!"

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

what a turd!!

Ryan Seacrest is an idiot!!! No wonder why Brangalina dissed him at the Golden Globes.....moron!!!!

Note: the guy is blind!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Indian Givers!!!

This made me chuckle a little:

Eternal flame only lasts until gas bill arrives

Ah you'd think they at least would of figured the cost of running the flame? or the gas company would give them a discount for the memorial? Could you imagine the chain of events that lead to the turning off of the flame? It just makes me laugh the moment they opened the bill and every thing after....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

So it's 2009. Crazy. Year went by so fast. Last night was a good time, hopefully had by all. Pics are up on flickr. Take a peek. Hope everyone has a good year :)