Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Texting kills!!

This is a PSA out of wales, UK:

You know who you are, at least if I'm in the car can you not text while driving....please?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm done drinking....

Hahaha. Not totally, but less. For weight loss reasons. I think its the reason why I'm not losing anything. My goal is to lose like 20 pounds by the end of October. I think it can be done, and it will, gosh darnit.

Anywhoos, things are pretty slow on the Puppan side. Just a whole lotta nothing really. We are going to DC in a couple weeks, for a work conference, and Mike is coming along too. Going up north in October, and VEGAS baby in December. So I'm excited for the upcoming adventures.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Childhood fun supersized!!!

Ok if this is real or not, frigin awesome!!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

quick update

We're alive!!!


1. my man trip up north was uber fun!!
2. still working on the room, making some progress these past few days.
3. Fruit fly, wasp and rat infestation!!
4. Took care of all problems in #3
5. Biking to work more, figured I could save like 150 to 200 bucks if I continue you doing so!!!
6. oh oh oh Beer Fest was uber fun!!!!
7. 2 tiger games last weekend, and we got to go on the field in honor of Zookeepers!
8. chance to go to DC for a weekend with wifey in September, just hashing the numbers (shes paid for booooooooooooo)
9. Thats all
10. I got!

High school teammates carry on

I know we haven't posted in a while, you'd think we have a baby like Sue and Eric!!! (we don't!) But, I (mike) saw this on Sports center the other day and made me puss out. Bare with it, its 12 mins long.

High school teammates carry on

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Hopefully good things happen to good people, especially in their future endeavors.