Monday, August 6, 2007

Hello Kitty

There's a new craze in Thailand, I guess its pretty fashionable to wear "Hello Kitty", but for different reasons.

Rogue cops forced to wear Hello Kitty armbands

I like how they call them "Rogue" cops!!! Littering, parking in the wrong spot and arriving late to work to me really does not constitute "Rogue", maybe being lazy or being an ass. When I think of "Rogue" its usually embezzlement, under ground drug dealing working with the mob. Seriously if that's "Rogue" to them(and/or the writer of the article) what the hell would be the term for all of the above?


Eric said...

We should do that here too. Make people wear a giant diaper or something to really embarass them.

Sue said...

Interesting... Those Thai peeps are crazy.