Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Finally a roof over our heads!!!!

After so many a conversation on hashing a hard date to do the roof, they're finally working on it!!!!!!!! So while I sit here, my head throbbing with the sounds of hammers ( not from whiskey last night), it has me thinking, re-roofing a house or any household re-model sucks! People rent, buy a condo don't buy a house too much work. Kidding its fun, never a dull moment, case in point on Sunday. We had our gas meter moved from the basement to the outside, it was free so what the hay!! So after they finished last Tuesday there was a smell, thought it was no biggie maybe jointing compound. The smell stuck around for a little bit, still thinking no big deal, until Sunday when Consumers should up. I guess our neighbors called it in and we had a faulty meter, a bad regulator thingee. So the moral of the story, if you smell it make sure you follow up on who dealt it!!!


1 comment:

Sue said...

Oh Mikey, you could have killed you and Joyce. Be safe!