Thursday, July 24, 2008

Outside and dreaming....

So I'm currently outside and blogging by the garage, love wifi!! Decieded to give the garage sale a go ahead today, such a beautiul day. Some highlights from the locals:

-Got into a nice conversation with a clock repairman (yes a clock repairman! his store is next to the blacksmith, cooper and farrier!!!) He was excited to see our vote for the zoo yard signs. He was going to vote even though he doesn't own a house. Then the good ol' "Why is Kwame's name on the water tower" talk came up. Ok people, a couple of things: some of the zoo's property is still owned by the city of Detroit, hence we can't do anything with the name unless the tool is voted out of office. He decieded to tell me all about why he hates Detroit and hopes for "them" not "we" turns it around. Its shameful but its the attitude of most metro Detroiters. Anyways, he bought some stuff, Thanks dude!!!

-A funny young kid stopped by and we had a nice (atleast 20 minute) conversation on gameboys, his sister breaking her cell phone (she is grounded by the way and i'm not suppose to tell you!), a broken door knob, and a bike seat that hurts his "butt". So, he's going home to ask his mom if he can buy the gameboy advance, the cell phone for his sister and the door knob ( so he can lock himself in his room to get away from his sister)

-I put out the "Yes on zoo" yard signs and the tiger ones are going good, too good...I'm left with a load of bears and monkey/hippos ( somebody just pointed out that the Monkey/hippos ones are looking more hippoish). Ok, you'd think knowing my animals, i'd know the difference, I should refresh myself on cartoonish charater looking animals book that I have (kidding)

I have tiger tickets for sale, no ones buying (bitches!!)

The weather is good and so is life!


Sue said...

Oh right, I was supposed to look for stuff for your garage sale, I got lazy. Oh well, what can you do. Good luck with the sale! If you are having it again after Saturday, let me know and I will bring some stuff to your house Sat.

Eric said...

Once again, I feel left out of your poll. I don't get the choice of voting for the zoo!

Anonymous said...

hey garage sales, cool! got any lawn chair/deck stuff? i have a nice deck but nothing to sit on :) let me know, im good for the mula! probably will see ya sometime on saturday just not sure what time yet. keep me posted on your sales!

Joyce said...

nothing against you eric!!! The coffee thing, I would of added "I have taste buds, I don't drink coffee" but relized you drink budweiser!!! oh snap!!!! No taste buds yo!!!