Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Here's an idea......

Hey Eric and Sue, since we all have mutts how about this? Canine Heritage Breed Test

We all wondered who our doggies "baby daddies" were, just one problem......THE Price!!! $70 bucks for 50 species and $120 for a 100. So I love my dogs dearly, but I have a hard time dropping over a C-note to see the history of bastardism in my doggies. Maybe we can call Maury to help us out. I can see the episode pan out in my head right now!! Lots of "oh no, you ain't bitch!!!" and "we only "us" styled once!! How could that of happened" Anyways, if you need a stimulus check idea, Eric here's one!

"But daddy, whos our other mommy and other daddy?"


Sue said...

Help us Maury!! I do want to know what Bob is because no vet has even had a good guess as to what he really is. He is as long as Bella. Why can't these dogs just tell us already!!! ;)

Eric said...

I'm his daddy. Sue is his mommy. At least, that's what we'll tell him until he is old enough to know he was adopted...