Friday, July 25, 2008

Blood Playstations?

So with the world becoming a load more self aware to matters all over the globe, why not now gaming systems? Just add this to the list of things I have to wonder if the parts or food were properly acquired. The next time I play "GTF" and "Niko" is having sex with a hooker, there's going to be an image of some Congolese kid in a cave harvesting the ore needed for my enjoyment.

Playstation 2 component incites African war

PS I don't own a PS2, but hopefully the Wii and DS are blood free.

1 comment:

kmaz said...

Well now I feel worse that my old PS2 is just sitting there collecting dust. I also remember when they first came out, certain new reports saying that Iraq was trying to buy all of them to build a supercomputer for it's nuclear warhead program. (this I think was on Fox news)