Monday, March 3, 2008

A nickel for your thought......

Ok this is not the first time, the paralyzed fighters of foreign wars sent me a letter to donate (I think I really butchered the organization's name) Whats different this time, they sent me an actual nickel. A nickel? Ah..........wouldn't it be better if you just saved said nickel? Hey I'm not really donating a dollar, just 95 cents because hell, I'll get the nickel back in the mail!!! The main reason they sent the nickel was to show that it only cost nickels a half hour to help our veterans while they are in the hospital. Well if I did my fuzzy math right, there's a veteran not getting health care for a half hour!!!!!!

On a serious note: We as americans really screw our vets. So salute them in any way you can, I'll be it donations or just a simple salute!!

1 comment:

Sue said...

What are vets? Just kidding...