Monday, January 14, 2008


I know it sucks that its not a full primary, but if you were going to vote still do so. Just think we have the privledge to vote, theres still a lot of countries out there that can't. Just a thought. I'm voting cause it'll make me fell better. VOTE!!!!!!!



Sue said...

This vote sucked for us! I voted for a Republican just so my vote would count and I looked for the most liberal one I could just to piss them off. Anything I can do to prevent Mitt (who the fuck names there kid after a glove?!?!) Romney or Mike Huckabee from getting votes ;)

Joyce said...

I voted uncommitted for the chance that the National Democratic Idiots will relize that Michigan is a key state. Hopefully they will re-allocate the delagates and vote accordingly. We can only hope. I just, on principle, could not ever vote republican.

Eric said...

Voting always makes me "fell better" too;)

Sue said...

I felt very dirty afterwards...