Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Turn!

So we've joined the blog community. We've actually both were part of it before separately, back in the day. I got too busy with school and such, I stopped and I think Mike just got lazy with his blog. Now that we're starting a new life together, why not start a blog together!?

Things have been quite busy with all the wedding planning and such. 3 more months and it'll be over. I have to give wedding planners credit, because this is a ton of hard work. So far I've been pretty calm about it, for the most part.

Today at work, I was so pissed at this one doctor, because of him being so lazy. So, this patient had soiled himself and couldn't clean himself up (in front of the doctor). So instead of the doctor cleaning him up, he went out of his way to look for my nursing assistant and myself who were in the middle of a somewhat emergency. Then the lovely doctor proceeded to report us to the charge nurse, while doing nothing about the situation. Stupid doctors, no bedside manner whatsoever.



Eric said...

So, no Bridzillia moments? But those make for the best TV specials!

Sue said...

I here you Joyce! Why don't they teach docs bedside manner? I love when they walk into the patients room at 3 am when the patient is in a deep sleep, turn all the lights on to ask them how they are. Of course we get stuck with the aftermath.