Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sweeney ohhhhhhh......

hey peeps,

We as in (myself, joyce, sergie, sasha and the rod) went to see Sweeney Todd the other day. If you can get past the gore, its a great movie. But the thing I have to say most, it just reiterates my man love for Johnny Depp.....mmmmmmmm. There is no way to explain it, its not like I love him "that" way.....but?....mmmmm? Its not like the love that Tito feels for Jeff's leg, or the the time Kien questioned himself at SOHO. Its, a different kinda love. Anyways, never continue...Johnny Depp is like one of the best character actors of our generation...what you say? He is!! If you don't believe that well "it's like your opinion man" So I digress, go see Sweeney Todd its worth the gore and looking at Borat's junk, packaged in tights!! Sorry Matthew McConaughey, naked bongos have to wait Johnny Depp is man loving it right now!!!!


Sue said...

I am jealous! I have been waiting to see this forever! Now if Eric and I can get out of family stuff and work to go see it...

Tonight it is the Michigan State bowl game so I guess Sweeny Todd will have to wait!! Go state!

Eric said...

"You know I know you are gay?"

Joyce said...

Is it the fact that Konrad is my lover or my man love for Johnny? I'm confused!