Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm done drinking....

Hahaha. Not totally, but less. For weight loss reasons. I think its the reason why I'm not losing anything. My goal is to lose like 20 pounds by the end of October. I think it can be done, and it will, gosh darnit.

Anywhoos, things are pretty slow on the Puppan side. Just a whole lotta nothing really. We are going to DC in a couple weeks, for a work conference, and Mike is coming along too. Going up north in October, and VEGAS baby in December. So I'm excited for the upcoming adventures.


Eric said...

Just give up beer and stick to diet mixers (ex: rum and diet coke). You can get all the alchohol and none of the calories!

Sue said...

Good luck. I am sure those blue moon martinis did not help... ;)

Anonymous said...

My friend did that to just gave up the beer and it worked as well! Have fun on your upcoming vacations, always welcome to Texas! Its not so bad, slowly getting used to it :))