Monday, June 8, 2009

Wow, it's been awhile...

So it looks like we've been MIA for awhile. Probably the fact, that we've either been out of town or busy with stuff around the house. Now that we're back with no vacations on the horizon (boo), I figured it's time to blog.

Let's see what's new with the Puppan household. Today is my birthday. Wow. 27. Well, to everyone, I'll be 25. I usually don't have a hard time with birthdays, with getting older. But this year is harder for some reason. I'm not sure why. It's not like it's a big milestone or anything. So I figure I'll start telling people I'm 25, haha. It's not like they believe me anyways when I say I'll be 27. One of my patients one day called me a little girl. Another one had said I can't be old enough to be a nurse, lol. This was all pre-braces too.

Other than that, we went up north twice in the past month. One with the peeps, which was a good time as usual. Pics are on flickr and facebook, as you've all seen already, I'm sure. The second trip was with the hubby for his anuual work trip. That is probably the closest thing to camping I'll ever be. hehe. It was fun though, the lake was gorgeous, and it was sunny all the days I was up there. As soon as I left, it rained the rest of Mike's stay.

We've been remodeling our front room, which used to be our living room. It will soon be our new dining room. As of now, the walls and ceiling are gone. Next comes new electric and insulation. To save on costs, we'll (more Mike) be doing this ourselves. haha. Wish us luck. I'll put before/after pics when we're done.

That's pretty much it with us. We're soo exciting, haha. Hopefully it won't be another month before we post again.

1 comment:

Eric said...

I used to say I was 25 for every birthday until I was 30. Now I just go with it. Glad all is well with the Puppan's!