So we made it home safely. Arrived yesterday night after a long day of traveling. First off, Europe was tons of fun. Lots to do, eat and drink. We of course, have many pictures, which are currently being uploaded onto flickr (all 626 of them).
To somewhat recap our trip:
First country was Mike's home country of Hungary. Flew into Budapest, where we met up with Mike's family, whom were extremely nice, wanted to feed us all the time, just like the filipinos. Problem, was the lack of english. It was funny how they would speak to me in Hungarian, and expected me to answer. His aunt would have a full on conversation with me, and I would just nod my head and smile. Luckily Mike was able to speak/understand some of it. We actually stayed outside of Budapest with the fam for a couple of days. Got to see Mike's mom's home town and such. Pretty neat, quaint little village. Definitely nothing like Michigan. The last 2 nights in Hungary we spent in the city, seeing sights and all. We did a cruise on the Danube at night which was beautiful.
Next off to Vienna, which was much bigger than expected. One thing I do love/miss about Europe is that you can drink on the streets, like beer. People were in front of Parliament just knocking down Gosser beer. How great is that!!! We really need to enact that rule here in the states. Also, Mike enjoyed their Eurodog which consists of this huge sausage in a baguette. Of course, we ate the wiener schnitzel.
Lastly was Prague, which personally was my favorite. Very historic and big. We did lots of walking. We went to Prague castle, which is one of the oldest castles in Europe. Also walked the famous Charles Bridge, which was under construction. Can't seem to get away from that. There were also a couple places that were closed due to construction. There was this place called Petrin Hill, which is a mini-Eiffel Tower on top of a hill. And of course, the tram thing that took you up to the hill was closed. So we hiked all the way up, as well as taking the 299 steps in the tower. We were quite pooped. But we topped off the days with Czech food and beer. Their beer was pretty good. Didn't try the absinthe though which was sold everywhere. We were almost tempted to take some home, but knowing my luck, our luggage would be checked and it would have been found.
Anyways, overall, we had a great time, luckily we have a couple days to relax and get back used to the time difference.