Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dennis Koo-sin-iche (sp) speech at the DNC

OK I know another post...sorry some interesting things have caught my eye tonight...

The Great Wizard of Oz has come a long way (sorry he reminds me of him)

Did you hear the song in the beginning? Love roller coaster, I really don't think hes tall enough to reach the 48in restriction!! He's like the Joe pesci of the democratic party, I could see him taking some Republican out back and beating him with a baseball bat!!

OH Rear-ree!!

This is just plan funny:

May I take your order?

Hurricane Names

So I saw headlines that Hurricane "Gustav" was about to make land fall in Haiti and I got to thinking, what are future storm names? I looked it up and thought 2012 looks pretty interesting:

All I have to say....Joyce and Michael are going to Rock yo asses in 2012!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

They are on!

So I blogged earlier about getting the braces. Today it is official. I am a big nerd, just like mike, lol. So it was quite an experience. First off, they told me it should only be an hour because of new technology, blah blah blah. One hour turned into two. Why you ask? Who knows really. First off, the lady putting them on says "oops" in the middle of the whole thing. And since her hands are in my mouth, I couldn't quite ask what the hell happpened. Come to find out, they were having a hard time putting on the brackets for some reason. They kept 'slipping'.

Secondly, my mouth has to stay dry for them to put them on, and their little suction thing SUCKED. no pun intended. It hardly was doing its job, so I was salivating all over the place (I know, not a pretty picture), making it harder for the braces to stay on. So instead of trying to fix the suction, she kept going. ARGH. Hopefully the rest of the visits for the next year will be better.

Surprisingly, it didn't hurt as much I though for the process. Currently, still ok. A little difficult to eat, but able to tolerate solid foods, yay! I can't live on mashed potatos and soup. First thing I ate when I was done was McDonalds. I figured I should treat myself.

I feel for those who's had braces in the past. kudos to you.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So I've been putting this off for awhile, but on Thursday, I'm getting braces put on. Ugh. I've been dreading it, but it needs to be done. It's not even the invisalign ones, its the full on metal ones, both upper and lower teeth. Damn my gums for being so sensitive. That's how it all started. I used to have perfect teeth as a child and the dentist still says I have nice teeth, just a little bit of an overbite with a gap in the lower part. So they want to close it up and such. Fun, huh? Will you all still love me?? haha.

Oh holy hell!!!

If you didn't know this, fair warning its graphic!!!
Ok, it makes sense but its kinda of funny theres actual people with block out boards. Oh and not just one replay but several to see the incident....at different angles. I wondered that to....what would it look like from the back angle...oh yeah..It still fucking hurts!!!!!

Hungarian....in agony!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


In lieu of us going to Vienna this October and with all the hungarians that mike keeps pointing out in the olympics, that got me to thinking about the Sound of Music. Which happens to be one of my favorite movies EVER!!!! Can't get enough of it. Maybe I'll watch it after I post this. haha. I happen to look up the movie on wikipedia. I found an interesting thing:

Also I've included a couple of my favorite songs:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

McCain's and Obama's Top Ten List....

I heard this the other day, honestly to add to the list of why McCain is even more senile then we think:

White House DJ Battle

ABBA!!!! R U F-IN KIDDING ME!!!!!!!! Guess who was first in line for the opening of Mama Mia

Olympics Beach VolleyWOW!!!

So I was searching through NBC Olympics website, and found this "Dancing at the Beach". I know Konrad mentioned this but I brushed it aside. So tell me Why am I not watching Beach Volleyball....more!!?? ok not that I'm looking but the last picture in the set.....ah.....look at the chica on the right....at the bottom.....am I seeing what I'm seeing? She brought a concealed weapon into the stadium?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

If only I could go back in time!!

This would soo be my wedding dress and the bridesmaids dresses. I think the girls would have looked sexy:

Click Me

Monday, August 4, 2008


Don't forget to vote August 5th!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

In Honor of Kasia and Jen...

Except that Kasia didn't like it, haha. I think we were all amused by it (maybe except for Konrad)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Chunk like......


Holy crap, what did this cat eat? Jersey mice a little more high in fat then Detroit mice? The cats I see in Detroit are never this big.

Fat N.J. cat's origins uncovered: He was abandoned

And whats the deal with the foreboding intro to the story? Kinda of depressing but everything is all better now because fat cats make everyone happy!!!! Here's the story.